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Thanks for visiting PetShoppe Magazine, brought to you by Snap Creative Marketing.

As a full-service marketing agency with years of experience in consumer and business-to-business advertising for a variety of industries, Snap has a passion for creating quality work for clients. As individuals and as a company, we have a strong passion for all animals, so it made purrfect sense to combine our skills and interests to develop PetShoppe Magazine, a local resource for all pet owners in New Jersey.

PetShoppe Magazine is a comprehensive resource guide dedicated to cats, dogs, and other pets — you’ll find information on health care, house-training, pet products, local events and more! PetShoppe Magazine is more than just information, with each printed issue you’ll find coupons, discounts and special offers from local and national pet-related businesses. We want to help you find the best products and services for your pet, and save money too!

We support local and national organizations doing great work on behalf of all animals. Keep an eye out as we bring awareness and feature these non-profit groups and their local projects. Also, when you purchase any PetShoppe merchandise, a portion of the proceeds will help our local pet charities right here in New Jersey.

PetShoppe Magazine isn’t just a publication to us; it’s personal. In fact, as you’ll see throughout the pages of the first issue, our very own PetShoppe family shares their pets with you — we hope you’ll do the same and introduce your pets to us, start now.